5 May 2019

The Sun and professors send out energy into the universe

By George ILIEV
CorporateNature Metaphor Series, No 92

The Sun loses 135 trillion tonnes of mass every year as it is converted into energy and radiated out into the universe. This is the product of the nuclear fusion equation: four hydrogen atoms are fused together into a helium atom and energy is released in the process.

In a similar way, professors or teachers send their energy into space when lecturing. At the basic physics level, this happens by generating sound waves with their voice. At the metaphorical level, this happens by making light bulbs go on inside student heads.

The Sun doesn't only lose energy and mass: large amounts of dust, comets and asteroids fall on it every year. Similarly, professors also benefit from student feedback during discussions and may get the occasional light bulb go on in their own head.

The Sun by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly of NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory - 20100819.jpg
The Sun (Source: Wikipedia)

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