Showing posts with label elephant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label elephant. Show all posts

8 May 2019

Public universities are elephants; Private universities are lions

By George ILIEV
CorporateNature Metaphor Series, No 95

Big public universities are large herbivores: elephants, rhinos and hippos. They are slow(ish) but powerful and as a result are safe and well-established in their local environment.

For-profit universities are predators: lions, tigers and leopards. They punch above their weight (pound for pound) as their aggressive nature makes them more visible, with their much bigger marketing spend. They cannot kill the largest herbivores but they feast on medium-sized and smaller ones: zebras, antelopes and gazelles (i.e. outcompeting local universities and community colleges).

If elephants were more aggressive, they would be a formidable force in the savannah. But they rarely are, which leaves significant space for predators to mark as their territory. This goes along with the saying: "Public universities don't sell well what they do. Private universities often sell well what they don't do."

African elephant (Source: Wikipedia)

2 January 2019

China is a juvenile elephant: Vulnerable now but invincible in 10 years

By George ILIEV
CorporateNature Metaphor Series, No 71.

China is a juvenile elephant, in both economic, military and scientific terms. Elephants keep growing until they are 20 years old. China has at least a decade more to go until it reaches full size. Whereas the US is a full-grown tiger which has already reached the peak of its power.

The juvenile elephant is still vulnerable to predators but give it another 10 years and no rival (or predator) will dare to confront it. So Donald Trump, while generally lacking in strategic thinking, is for once acting strategically. He is aware that despite his "Make America Great Again" sloganeering, his country is an ageing tiger. He is playing hardball with China now because this is the last opportunity for the US to influence China. In 10 years, China will simply brush the US aside - not necessarily as an enemy but as a nuisance.

Juvenile elephant (Source: Wikipedia)