Showing posts with label shark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shark. Show all posts

1 June 2019

Is your career a bird cage or a shark cage?

By George ILIEV
CorporateNature Metaphor Series, No 110

A career builds two cages around you: a bird cage and a shark cage. You may think that a bird cage sounds better than a shark cage but think about it:

The bird cage limits you: from soaring in the sky.

The shark cage protects you: from being eaten by the sharks outside.

The two cages usually come in a package. But do you have any influence on how much of your cage will be a bird cage or a shark cage?

Shark cage (Source: Wikipedia)

14 February 2019

Megalodon was driven to extinction by giant white sharks; Airbus A380 to be phased out in favour of A350

By George ILIEV
CorporateNature Metaphor Series, No 76.

The prehistoric giant shark Megalodon may have been brought to extinction by the rise of its smaller cousin, the great white shark, some 6 to 4 million years ago, a new study claims.

On the same day, European plane maker Airbus announced it would stop production of the Airbus A380 superjumbo in 2021 because of lack of new orders and would focus instead on the smaller A350 and A330 models.

A smaller beast often happens to upend a bigger one in a typical David-and-Goliath fashion. However, extinction does not have to be brought about only by your own cousins: a giant can be outcompeted by species farther removed, like a Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

Fossilised Megalodon tooth and two great white shark teeth (Source: Wikipedia)
Airbus A380 (Source: Wikipedia)