Showing posts with label river valley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label river valley. Show all posts

6 January 2019

Startup journeys take you across mountains; Corporate careers take you down river valleys

By George ILIEV
CorporateNature Metaphor Series, No 75.

Entrepreneurs discover "points of pain", tackle the uknown and overcome challenges that others often consider insurmountable. This makes the startup journey similar to climbing a mountain.

On the other hand, corporate employees tread a well-trodden path. This makes a corporate career resemble a trek down a river valley. The river has already eroded its bed through the rocks just like the company has established its policies, processes and territory; one only needs to go with the flow and follow the river downstream.

And then, occasionally, there are the canyons: rivers that have cut their bed deep across mountains. These are the unicorns: startups that headed up a mountain and on the way got big and created their own giant river valley.

Grand Canyon (Source: Wikipedia